The concept of a hole extends beyond its physical manifestation as a fissure between spaces.Philosophically, it echoes Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, symbolizing humanity’s constrained perception— a shadowy representation of reality shaped by sensory limitations. When visualized and semiotized, the hole becomes a gateway to the unseen, revealing the latent possibilities of its horizon and the unfolding narrative of its environment.
《洞夢》(Hole Dream)展覽係由藝術家陳家翊以自身生長在台北與駐村於柏林期間所累積的兩地生活差異經驗,作為創作藍本。
In Hole Dream, artist Chen, Chia-Yi draws from her lived experiences in Taipei and Berlin, weaving the contrasts between these two cities into her creative tapestry. During the second phase2 of her residency project, presented in Taiwan, Chen reimagines Berlin’s architectural impressions and integrates them with Taiwan and Japan’s historical and cultural narratives.
在本次個展中,將呈現駐村計畫發表的第二階段,作品重新延伸和形塑,並將柏林的印象介入澍林藝廊的歷史記憶。呈現方式運用了在柏林所搜集的破洞影像與德國工業風格的窗景影像,結合展示空間本身具日治時代特色的木造建築環境,並融合場內的作品,進行影像裝置與擴增實境創作。The exhibition melds Berlin’s crumbling urban landscapes and industrial window views with a space set in a wooden structure from the Japanese colonial era. Through this interplay of setting and installation, Chen crafts an intricate sensory experience using video installations and augmented reality, inviting viewers to explore themes of decay, repair, and transformation in urban environments.
The exhibition’s two sub-themes, Urban Windowscape and Memory of Objects, delve deep into the multifaceted interpretations of the hole—as both a metaphorical and literal intermediary between the old and the new, the interior and exterior, and reality and imagination.
Representation of the Hole, An Intermediary of Transition

During her residency at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin, Chen observed subway stations with pristine exteriors but corroded interiors. This juxtaposition sparked her contemplation of the hole as a threshold, capturing the transition before and after decay. Inspired by this phenomenon, she explored everyday streetscapes and noted the consistency of household windows.
該系列作品於2024年貝塔寧藝廊的櫥窗空間,發表了第一階段的影像裝置發表——《洞夢》(Hole Dream)。如圖右方與下方
”Hold Dream”, Exhibition view, Künstlerhaus Bethanien,Berlin, Germany,2024
”Hold Dream”, Exhibition view, Künstlerhaus Bethanien,Berlin, Germany,2024

In addition to windows, Chen turned her attention to objects discarded near subway entrances—symbols of temporal and spatial memory. This inspired the Memory of Objects series, which highlights the juxtaposition between curated interiors and abandoned exteriors.
”Hold Dream”, Exhibition view, Künstlerhaus Bethanien,Berlin, Germany,2024

These windows, simultaneously revealing and concealing the lives within, inspired the Urban Windowscape series. Here, Chen examines the interplay between internal domesticity and external ecology, overlaying their imagery to evoke the flow of time
.In Berlin, furniture and décor placed outside homes—destined for disposal—contrasted poignantly with the carefully arranged interiors visiblethrough windows. These objects, laden with personal history, embody impermanence and the passage of time.
Reflecting on the fall of the Berlin Wall in the 1980s, Chen explores the tension between societal forces that demanded change and the enduring beauty of windowscapes. These windows, framing both dreams and memories, served as witnesses to historical shifts, carrying narratives that transcend time.
”Hold Dream”, Exhibition view, Künstlerhaus Bethanien,Berlin, Germany,2024
Chen’s artistic process employs meticulous techniques and a nuanced layering of context, capturing environmental changes and the anomalous growth of plants. These elements serve as intermediaries for storytelling, creating a stream-of-consciousness narrative. In Hole Dream, the hole becomes a locus where interior and exterior merge, intertwining the historical narratives of Taiwan and Japan in Taipei. Through this interplay, Chen crafts a diachronic experience that is at once realistic and surreal; Hole Dream, thus, stands as a poignant exploration of space, memory, and the endless interplay between decay and renewal.

Date: 12.04. – 05.05.2024(Tue – Sun 2pm – 7pm)
Ministry of Culture, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 文化部
Taipei Representative Office in the Federal Republic of Germany
Digital PMMA Printing, Discarded items (wood, iron, glass bottles, twigs), Flour, Cement, Wall decals,
Dried leaves, Plants, Dimensions variable

The installations by Taiwanese artist Chia-Yi Chen appear like miniatures of urban landscapes.
This impression becomes all the clearer when one realizes that the materials the artist uses are actually by-products of urban life: Styrofoam packaging, waste paper, painter’s fleece.
Only a few objects are recognizable as having been produced for the purpose of viewing. Recurring motifs, however, are holes and tears. Chia-Yi Chen found these on her walks through Berlin, photographed them and distributed them on her installations and on the wall. The sight of such architectural wounds is probably commonplace – almost omnipresent – for many Berliners.
Building sites, bulky rubbish, crumbling plaster and gaping holes have almost become part of the city’s iconography. For the artist, however, they are an indicator of the history and dynamics of the city, whose structure is constantly changing, whose skin stretches, hardens, cracks, bleeds and scabs.
Chia-Yi Chen’s works pay almost tender attention to this phenomenon without reproducing the brutality of changing cities and their wounds. She juxtaposes her observations with a small gesture. As such, her art claims an exemplary character: it wants to point to something. Chia-Yi Chen’s “Pieces for Cities” are thus characterized by a pronounced awareness of places. They do not call for change but are designations of certain places that she found in the blind spots of cities.
This impression becomes all the clearer when one realizes that the materials the artist uses are actually by-products of urban life: Styrofoam packaging, waste paper, painter’s fleece.
Only a few objects are recognizable as having been produced for the purpose of viewing. Recurring motifs, however, are holes and tears. Chia-Yi Chen found these on her walks through Berlin, photographed them and distributed them on her installations and on the wall. The sight of such architectural wounds is probably commonplace – almost omnipresent – for many Berliners.
Building sites, bulky rubbish, crumbling plaster and gaping holes have almost become part of the city’s iconography. For the artist, however, they are an indicator of the history and dynamics of the city, whose structure is constantly changing, whose skin stretches, hardens, cracks, bleeds and scabs.
Chia-Yi Chen’s works pay almost tender attention to this phenomenon without reproducing the brutality of changing cities and their wounds. She juxtaposes her observations with a small gesture. As such, her art claims an exemplary character: it wants to point to something. Chia-Yi Chen’s “Pieces for Cities” are thus characterized by a pronounced awareness of places. They do not call for change but are designations of certain places that she found in the blind spots of cities.
KB(Künstlerhaus Bethanien)-MAX